Bird Satan

Bird Satan Pro

Love the #horror. Go to fests for the horror. But love the sci-fi, the thrillers, the action... And all the rest.

Love the film.

Favorite films

  • Alien
  • Kung Fu Hustle
  • The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
  • Cry-Baby

Recent activity

  • Who Framed Roger Rabbit


  • Big Trouble in Little China


  • Romancing the Stone


  • Caddyshack


Recent reviews

  • Romancing the Stone

    Romancing the Stone


    Kinda fun. I was expecting more tomb raiding and swashbuckling -- sort of a Zemeckis take on Indiana Jones -- compared to the rom-com fish-out-of-water story set against the South American revolutionary backdrop that we got. But ultimately Turner and Douglas were plenty of fun to watch and there was still enough adventure to keep it moving.

  • Caddyshack



    This is my first time seeing this movie and the cultural osmosis was surprisingly thin. I was expecting a lot more Bill Murray versus gopher rather than it being a pretty minor B-plot. I didn't expect the actual sport of golf to be a serious part of plot but rather a structural backdrop. And looking at the poster, well, the movie's real protagonist isn't even featured.

    That doesn't mean it isn't fun though! Chevy Chase is a real charmer. Bill…

Popular reviews

  • Bad Ben 9: Benign

    Bad Ben 9: Benign


    Bad Ben at its purest and most refined. Just Tom Riley cursing up a storm, ambling around a house, and getting pranked by ghosts, but in this one we get state of the art graphics and Nude Tom!

  • Bad Ben: Alien Agenda

    Bad Ben: Alien Agenda


    For the previous film in the series, Bad Ben: Undead, I wrote an earnest essay, attempting to understand the mindset of director Nigel Bach. I'm not doing that again, because every word of the origin review stands, except that this time instead of Tired Tony reading fake eulogies, we get AI Tom reading abduction stories with a few longer, more tedious stories thrown in earlier on.

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