90% horror 10% what's good

Favorite films

  • Quick Change
  • A Tale of Two Sisters
  • Song of the Sea
  • The Proposition

Recent activity

  • K-Family Affairs


  • Pigsy


  • Moana 2


  • Heretic


Recent reviews

  • K-Family Affairs

    K-Family Affairs


    The editing is exquisite and the imagery divine; I've never seen a dual baptism of fire and water- let alone one that depicts an omniscient narrator's story arch AND she's our protagonist AND it's our resonating scene. I simply wanted to move in with this family to watch them to the end of their days.

  • Pigsy



    The animation made me want to throw up. I just can't get behind the gamer, blocky character design and infinitesimal backdrops.

Popular reviews

  • A Good Woman

    A Good Woman


    Happy endings for all. I fucking love it.

    Wonderfully written. So many lovely sounding lines. Even if the twist is a bit easy to guess, there’s still a love triangle to figure out, so you stay well engaged.

    Helen Hunt will always remain one of the most enchanting voices in cinema, and Scarlett Johansson is one of the most beautiful faces ever to grace the silver screen.

    “We all straddle the abyss, Mrs. Windermere. If we never look down, how can we be sure who we are?”

  • Onward



    Getting back to what makes us each magical; this film goes beyond the typical Pixar storyline.

    Not only was the narrative truly unique and delightful to watch, the voice acting was superbly done (I wish Chris Pratt was my older brother), effectively placing new authorities in the studios realm.

    As with every Pixar film before it, Onward will make you will laugh with all of its hilariously-animated, super-goofy moments (in particular watch for Gwenivere’s glorious ride) and tears will spring to your eyes…
