

Someone from Panama who really loves movies. Reviews in Spanish for Spanish-speaking movies and in english for almost everything else.

Favorite films

  • Star Wars
  • Raiders of the Lost Ark
  • Django Unchained
  • Hugo

Recent activity

  • Punisher: War Zone


  • The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King


  • The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers


  • The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring


Recent reviews

  • Punisher: War Zone

    Punisher: War Zone


    Totally unhinged and darkly comedic movie, with a solid lead performance by the late, great Ray Stevenson.

    I love seeing the Punisher go beast mode and how violent and gruesome this movie is. When I watched it for the first time, I thought Dominic West and Doug Hutchison were awful in it, but I think they are so over the top and goofy that it has to be on purpose.

  • Novocaine



    A premise like this could get repetitive pretty fast, but this movie manage to keep its gimmick, pretty fresh, in big part thanks to a pretty fun performance by Jack Quaid (to be fair all the cast was pretty good) and some really funny and inventive action scenes.

Popular reviews

  • Escape to Victory

    Escape to Victory


    Rest In Peace O Rei Pelé.
    How is this movie not that well-known is beyond me, specially in Latin America and Europe. This was my dad’s endgame, so cheesy, but full of heart.

  • Madame Web

    Madame Web

    I came to this movie expecting it to be hilariously bad, but aside from a few campy and unintentionally funny moments, it committed the biggest crime a bad movie can make: being boring, especially in the second third of the movie. It's such a shame, considering they had a pretty good cast. Dakota Johnson, Adam Scott, and Sydney Sweeney, who were pretty fun with the limited material they had.
