
Rossome_99 Pro

Favorite films

  • The Iron Giant
  • Used Cars
  • Psycho
  • The Commitments

Recent activity

  • Revolutionary Road


  • Breakdown


  • That Thing You Do!


  • The Iron Giant


Recent reviews

  • Revolutionary Road

    Revolutionary Road


       Overall, 2008’s Revolutionary Road is a pretty good drama from director Sam Mendes. Both DiCaprio and Winslet give really great performances here as there’s a lot that unfolds throughout the film in its 1950s suburban setting. Michael Shannon also gives a brief, yet good performance that won him an Oscar nomination and put him into the spotlight that we now see him in. This is another film that I wouldn’t recommend watching with your partner as don’t expect it…

  • Breakdown



        Overall, 1997’s Breakdown is an entertaining, underrated thriller with a great performance from Kurt Russell. Such an entertaining and well made simple thriller that is not really seen much anymore that many should see. Never is there a bored moment throughout as Russell as very good at the Everyman and you root for him the whole way as you want to see him get his wife back. J. T. Walsh also delivers a great creepy villain performance especially…

Popular reviews

  • That Thing You Do!

    That Thing You Do!


        Overall, 1996’s That Thing You Do! is a fantastic directorial debut from Tom Hanks and is a neat little rise and fall of a music band film. Though it’s nothing innovative or too special, I do like the idea of how it shows the rise and fall of a one hit wonder band from Pennsylvania and how it comes escalating down all the while having one hit record. I also felt the sound mixing for several scenes could’ve…

  • Predator



    “Get to the choppa!”
          Predator is one of the best action films of all time. It’s also a brilliant mix between action and horror much like how Evil Dead II was a great mix between horror and comedy. Arnold Schwarzenegger is as awesome as usual when he plays Dutch Schaefer, a soldier who assigns a crew and they go out into the South American jungles to save the hostages from guerillas all the while being stalked by…