Ross Urso

Ross Urso Pro

Favorite films

  • Halloween
  • Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith
  • Top Gun: Maverick
  • Django Unchained

Recent activity

  • Adventureland


  • Rumble Fish


  • The Longest Yard


  • Borderline


Recent reviews

  • Rumble Fish

    Rumble Fish


    Wasn’t able to fully resonate with this one.

    I found it super difficult to figure out what Rumble Fish was trying to accomplish, outside being Coppola’s attempt to make an arthouse movie for teenagers. 

    After sitting with it for a day, I’m convinced it’s the lack of plot momentum that holds it back for me.

    And while Matt Dillion is a cool character to follow around, most of this movie is him bouncing from setting to setting/ person to person. …

  • The Longest Yard

    The Longest Yard


    Been on an Adam Sandler kick lately. 

    Doing a refresher on The Longest Yard confirms exactly why I didn’t remember most of it in first place. 

    It’s a textbook average film. Nothing special, and honestly, there’s WAY better comedies in his portfolio. 

    From a sports movie standpoint, it is practically beat by beat with how you’d expect everything to play out. So generic in that sense. 

    To give Sandler the benefit of the doubt, most of his comedies lean on…

Popular reviews

  • Pearl



    A24 caught lightning in the bottle with Ti West. 

    Pearl is twisted, deranged and undeniably a tragic origin story. 

    Best of all, this film confidently stands as its own, while also being complimentary with companion successor, X

    Unlike most prequel/ sequels, this didn't give me any rip off feeling like I was watching the same movie again. 

    Instead of paying homage to ’70s slasher grind-house, Pearl is a love letter, from Ti West, to the 40s golden age of Hollywood. 

    Therefore, the cinematography oozes…

  • Longlegs



    Thought it would be a power move on my part to bring my grandmother along as my plus-one to experience this film with me for the first time. 

    Take it from her - someone that isn’t the slightest bit of a horror movie fanatic like I am. She didn’t find it scary. Neither did I. 

    And since I’ve trained myself up not to buy too much stock into hyperbolic marketing language, thankfully, I was able to enjoy Longlegs for its…