

Favorite films

  • The Passion of Joan of Arc
  • The Brown Bunny
  • The Killing of a Chinese Bookie
  • Ritual

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  • Opening Night


  • Lawrence of Arabia


  • Black Narcissus


  • Meet John Doe


Recent reviews

  • Megalopolis



    Megalopolis feels like if Eisentsein wanted to express his love of humanity through autistic screeching and 2045 Saudi Arabian city planning powerpoints.

    Janky and amateurish in its presentation at times but I could never hate this. A director trying to convey himself through the medium with his heart on his sleeve. You could easily pluck the feathers from this "fable"; putting labels on it, negging it on as another "blockbuster flop" but at the end of the day, Coppola wears…

  • Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour

    Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour


    I like some of the Taylor songs, what the fuck does she know about movies?

Popular reviews

  • Mr. Pregnant

    Mr. Pregnant


    Fuck this hit a lot harder this time round. I was blown back by everything the first time round but on the rewatch, I was really touched by the genuine emotions that the film is able to create.

    Like most other MDE related stuff, the comedy is brilliant but whats behind it is far too good for this world. The bizarre humour mixed in with the disillusionment felt by Charls as he comes to terms with the neo-21st century prostitution…

  • Feels Good Man

    Feels Good Man


    The film equivalent of a #MeToo film being produced by Harvey Weinstein.

    Pro-Internet censorship and self pity aside, the film is a really misinformed and warped view on Pepe itself.
    It takes what could have been an interesting documentary and turns it into "durrr trump bad" territory for very little reason. Its clear as day that no one involved has ever actually been to 4chan or outside of Instagram in general, the main message of the film being for you…