
Nefastis Patron

Favorite films

  • Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters
  • The Sacred Art of Tibet
  • Boiling Point
  • L'Avventura

Recent activity

  • Dennis Miller: Citizen Arcane

  • Dennis Miller: Live From Washington D.C. - They Shoot HBO Specials, Don't They?

  • Dennis Miller: Black and White

  • The Sacred Art of Tibet


Recent reviews

  • Monterey Pop

    Monterey Pop

    The Doors weren't invited but some screaming African guy blowing notes into a trumpet was. Says it all really.

    Otherwise, a very cool document.

  • Heaven Can Wait

    Heaven Can Wait

    Balances being something so totally old while maintaining a contemporary presence of mind. In other words, it's not a Bogdanovich-esque "tribute" to the golden era. Compare Beatty's effort here to "What's Up Doc?" or "At Long Last Love" — Beatty succeeds in making a light comedy because he probably saw those kinds of older films for what they were (light comedies) as opposed to groundbreaking cinematic achievements like Bogdanovich did. So there's no real indulgence or nerd overload happening here.…

Popular reviews

  • Straw Dogs

    Straw Dogs

    Avoidance of societal sadism reaches a point of absurdity rather quickly. Submitting to this sadism is absorption into the mass - a total denial of self. Escape is more sensible. More pragmatic. The easiest thing in the world is to throw your hands up in the air, admit no responsibility, and move on somewhere else. We get a sense that David has spent much of his life in a state of escape. There’s an intelligence about him, and even a…

  • Magnolia


    I find it strange that Eyes Wide Shut has a reputation of doubling as a codex for secret societies and ritual abuse. I’ve even seen people say it’s about sex trafficking. The proof for their claims largely rely on speculation that isn’t backed by the film as a whole. I don’t believe the 0.5 seconds when you see the Harford’s kid wander off in the toy store implies that she is being abducted. People will ultimately see what they want…
