Cinema, film, the movies...
Colin Farrell fan.
The fourth spot in my Favorites on here is like the rotating tap at your fav bar.
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
I already thought Michael Mann was one of the best to ever do it before I saw this, imagine how I feel now
Pacino and Russell Crowe are electric in every frame they have together but Pacino and Plummer work so well together here. Michael Mann is famously good at gunfights, and there is a moment when Russell Crowe hangs up a phone where the sound echos like one of the bullets from the shootout in Heat and it's one of…
I really really love this movie, and one of the best things that's ever happened in a theater happened during this movie.
An older man sitting in front of me, during a tense moment of pause and contemplation from Paul Giamatti (arguably the moment the moment the whole movie was leading to), just couldn't take the silence and introspection anymore and blurted out full volume "WHAT IS HE GOING TO SAY?" And I was with him in that moment he said what we were all thinking