

Favorite films

  • Carol
  • The End of the Tour
  • The Worst Person in the World
  • Ordinary People

Recent activity

  • Harriet the Spy

  • Ice Princess


  • Two Weeks Notice


  • Matilda


Recent reviews

  • Ice Princess

    Ice Princess


    *travels back in time*

    Me: So Kim Catrall’s in it and made me gasp every time she was on screen, she does a skate routine to Ray of Light, and there’s a shot that references Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.

    11 year old: I don’t know what any of that is

    Me: it has the hot girl from Eurotrip 

    11 year old me: cool

  • Two Weeks Notice

    Two Weeks Notice


    After weeks of begging, my mom took me to see this when I 8 years old. Coincidentally, every woman I’ve ever dated had some quality of Lucy Kelson in her.

Popular reviews

  • Matilda



    Be your own Miss Honey

  • Better Man

    Better Man


    As an American, the only reason I know who Robbie Williams is was because Sentimental Garbage did an extended riff that if Sex and the City 3 was ever made it’d take place in London and Carrie Bradshaw would have had a romance with him.

    But wow, what an amazing movie. Not knowing anything about him let me have fresh eyes and take it all in with no preconceived notions. There were at least three jaw dropping musical sequences (Rock…