Ryan Miner

Ryan Miner

If you know what my profile pic is, you rock. If you don’t, Google “A computer animated hand” ;)

Favorite films

  • La La Land
  • Grave of the Fireflies
  • Forrest Gump
  • Interstellar

Recent activity

  • Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse


  • The Shining


  • The Empire Strikes Back


  • Shutter Island


Recent reviews

  • Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse

    Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse


    Holy crap. 

    Ok I knew this was good. But HOW CAN SOMEBODY WRITE A STORY LIKE THIS?!!?? It’s mind-blowingly original story is just astounding. 

    So much suspense, so much great humor, so much heartwarming interaction, so much gah!!! 

    I love how great the role models are, and how amazingly it portrays family dynamics in healthy ways without pushing an agenda down the viewer’s throats.

  • The Shining

    The Shining


    I understand why this film is praised. 

    Personally, I felt awful after watching it, and the gross randomness it presented was just not entertaining to me. Hearing Jack Nicholson shriek like an ogre in the maze for 10 minutes just got to a point where I said, “what the frick is this movie?” 

    This makes me never want to watch a horror film ever again

Popular reviews

  • Tarzan



    I think the first animated movie to have 3D models. 

    The man’s got 2% body fat and has gotta have the most flippin insane foot calluses

  • La La Land

    La La Land


    Watching this movie instantly made me feel nostalgic As freak even though I had never seen it before. The relationship between Mia and Sebastian is so honest and real, and breaking the norm for a picture perfect ending in the way they did was amazing. I think what made it so nostalgic-feeling was it was like the movie was living in vintage-Hollywood, but it’s also modern day. So this style transports the viewer back in time but keeping them in…