Stuart Forman

Stuart Forman Pro

Favorite films

  • The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension
  • Dune
  • The Enemy Below
  • 2001: A Space Odyssey

Recent activity

  • The Poseidon Adventure


  • The Shabbos Goy


  • The Living Daylights


  • Blitz


Recent reviews

  • The Poseidon Adventure

    The Poseidon Adventure


    As a kid I loved disaster films like Poseidon Adventure, Earthquake (in Sensurround!), Towering Inferno and Airport. I only saw them the once and so I put them on my Letterboxd watchlist hoping that they show up streaming somewhere. Of the films I listed, The Poseidon Adventure was my favorite so I was stoked to see it pop up on Prime Video. Hoping that I'd still enjoy it 50 years later I turned it on.

    And you know what? It's…

  • The Shabbos Goy

    The Shabbos Goy


    When I was growing up my grandmother used to tear her toilet paper ahead of Shabbos because that would be considered "work". Fortunately, my grandfather wasn't quite so observant that he wouldn't be averse to turning off a light or two.

    Anyway, The Shabbos Goy is a cute 7 minute short about the unintended consequences of not being able to operate electronic equipment on Shabbos. It stars MIlana Vayntrub, who you know as the spokeswoman for AT&T commercials. It's cute.

Popular reviews

  • Wallace & Gromit: Vengeance Most Fowl

    Wallace & Gromit: Vengeance Most Fowl


    This is the latest entry in the Wallace & Gromit franchise and it is a hoot. Ben Whitehead replaced the late great Peter Sallis as the voice of Wallace, and you'd never know as he's perfect.

    It would be even remotely silly to try to give you any semblance of plot points for this film as its outrageousness is part of the fun. I'll just say that it's a delight and surprise.

    The production quality is top notch. The animation, staging,…

  • The Living Daylights

    The Living Daylights


    I have mixed feelings about Eon productions selling creative control of the Bond franchise to Amazon Studios. On the one hand it's Bond, and we've all grown up with a certain style of film. On the other hand, they quite literally blew up the franchise with the last film to end the Daniel Craig story arc. So maybe it's time for a fresh new look?

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