seddik miza

seddik miza

5/5 masterpiece
4/5 wonderful
3/5 medicore
2/5 bad
1/5 unwatchable

Favorite films

  • Scott Pilgrim vs. the World
  • Mirror
  • The Seventh Seal
  • A Clockwork Orange

Recent activity

  • Breathless


  • Horses of God


  • La Haine


  • A Streetcar Named Desire


Recent reviews

  • Breathless



    My first attempt to french new wave and i thought i ll start with the obvious breathless it beautifuly depicts the life of an outlaw an outcast who lives his life at the edge while he s on the run the interactions are fulfilling and nothing is left aside the revolutionary editing is wonderful and how ge can let you get intrested in a part and strike you with a new intresting event all the characters are given depth and time it s just great

  • Horses of God

    Horses of God


    A movie that beautifully depicts the brotherly love and how living in harsh situations can make you look for the light at the end of the tunnel no matter what while this time the light was a fake lantern held by the scum of the world decieving young adults and teenagers into thinking that they are going on the right path by sacrificing their lives and other people lives to god thinking that god cares about you killimg the infidels…

Popular reviews

  • Magnolia



    A wonderful depiction of the randomness of life that seems unfamiliar yet still connected

  • They Are The Dogs

    They Are The Dogs


    My fav movie from my country
