Scratches the surface on a LOT of interesting philosophical, legal, and existential questions… but never really says much about them.
Aliens were the best. Give me more of that please!
Man.. it’s such a good idea but so mediocre in its execution. And that ending… sigh.
A much better film would’ve been to crank up the tension and drama instead of trying to philosophize about justice. Or turn down the tension and really dive deep into the conflicting motivations.
Ah well.
If you wanted The Joker, you didn’t care about Arthur Fleck. It’s that simple.
Tries too hard to be funny, too hard to be gritty, and too hard to be sentimental without succeeding on any of them.
Underneath the signature Taika Waititi humor there’s a poignant story of fatherly love, sacrifice, and loss. It comes through occasionally, especially toward the end, and gives some weight to this floaty flic
The villain is dark and real and has unique aesthetics for the MCU. Really dug his performance, however it felt at odds with the ridiculous…