"If this is what the DT's is like, I am quitting drinking today!"
"This car is pure pussy."
"Pure pussy, tell that to the judge!"
Nobody does hysterical like Gene Wilder.
"If this is what the DT's is like, I am quitting drinking today!"
"This car is pure pussy."
"Pure pussy, tell that to the judge!"
Nobody does hysterical like Gene Wilder.
Starting Over is such a joy, a delightful 70's romcom. Jill Clayburgh is always an absolute treasure, and it is a shame she did not have more of a career. The chemistry between her and Burt in this is terrific. I love how Burt continued to go outside of his traditional wheelhouse to make offbeat comedies or musicals. This film is a real hidden gem from Pakula's career, highly recommended.
Perhaps Fulci's greatest achievement, Zombie Flesh Eaters excels in every aspect. The atmosphere, dread, and practical zombie effects on display here are unparalleled.