ratings highly subjective and liable to revision
automatic +1 advantage if vampires are involved
shoutout to the person in my discussion group who was talking about the role of “fems and fem presenting people” in the algerian revolution 🤯
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
a lot messier than i remember lol — sooo much going on, too much voiceover, perhaps too many songs, and i didn't love the thomas stone stuff (i think it would've been much better if brian really disappeared, and simply spent the rest of his life wasting away, shooting up, fucking, etc).
but for all of its clumsiness, velvet goldmine is a genuinely queer and genuinely wildean project, clearly made by someone with a true passion for wilde, glam rock,…
i swear to god does every spanish teacher make their kids watch this?
i sat through almost two hours of pretentious convoluted bullshit and i didn't even get to see andy biersack's dick???