
SammyDlish Pro

Favorite films

  • Babe
  • Paper Moon
  • Miller's Crossing
  • That Obscure Object of Desire

Recent activity

  • Twin Peaks


  • Dune


  • Lost Highway


  • Vice Squad


Recent reviews

  • Twin Peaks

    Twin Peaks


    The pilot doesn't work as a film, it is too corny and sloppy. As a piece of television entertainment however it is perfectly whacky and expertly paced.

  • Dune



    Too short regardless of which version is watched, but endlessly fascinating regardless.

Popular reviews

  • Industrial Accident: The Story of Wax Trax! Records

    Industrial Accident: The Story of Wax Trax! Records


    Inciteful and illuminating queer documentary which exhibits uncommon depth of niche information and history. Truly a family affair, the heart poured into the production is evident.

  • Raw



    While it is possible that there is a decent film to be made concerning matrilineal cannibalistic veterinarian sisters this is certainly not it. The praise for RAW is baffling, there is hardly an image or thought presented worthy of applause. The film is instead packed with standard-issue faux-intellectual feints at privilege and sexuality, all amounting to and signifying nothing. This is a huge disappointment and missed opportunity; viewers would be much better off watching Cronenberg's RABID, Breillat's ANATOMY OF HELL or Denis' TROUBLE EVERY DAY - all films which better RAW's inept philosophy.
