overly frequent cinema-goer & horror enthusiast
James Wan where is Malignant 2: Gabriel in Space
ohhh so this is where people’s irrational fears of log trucks come from…
i am SO happy i got to see this on the big screen again. the jean jacket sfx were so loud they made the floor vibrate
i could talk someone to death about the layered themes in this movie but the rewatch reminded me how much i love the scene with the tmz reporter. he’s obviously painted as the bad guy of the situation, but is he any different from emerald & oj, or even antlers in that matter? the desire to permanently capture something on camera, a distorted lens acting as a secondary eye. our human desire to see and be seen…
oh my god i haven’t laughed this hard at a movie in a long time. delightful addition to the Weird Guys of the osgood perkins cinematic universe