Matt B

Matt B Pro

Indie film producer, guest of the pod, and an occasional critic.

Favorite films

  • Zodiac
  • Paper Moon
  • Mulholland Drive
  • Raising Arizona

Recent activity

  • September 5


  • Heretic


  • Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy


  • The Monkey


Recent reviews

  • September 5

    September 5


    Didn’t realize that was Ben Chaplin, who looks a bit like Billy Crudup now. John Magaro graduating from loser schlub to manning the ABC newsroom on its biggest night in history somehow worked. The use of rotary phones, film reels, enormous headphones, walkie talkies, huge cameras, cigs, and so on was really well showcased and made me miss the old days.

  • Heretic



    Featuring one of the best transition shots since The Empty Man. Hugh Grant owns this thing and balances evil and humor really well. Those 2 girls are for real though, too. The past decade has given us this Don’t Breathe and Barbarian trope in horror movies that you’ll know once you see it here.

Popular reviews

  • Anora



    James Gray’s Uncut Gems. Easily belongs in the pantheon of great movies set in and around Coney Island and those that feature Russians and Armenians. An elongated 2nd act was a curveball but Baker pulled it off. Props to having both a DMX song and a TATU one.

  • Top Gun: Maverick

    Top Gun: Maverick


    Goodness gracious, great balls of nostalgia, Anthony Edwards (“Goose”), and reckoning with the past. These themes permeate this exceptionally shot, engineered, and cast summer blockbuster. 

    Miles Teller at his most vulnerable, showing levels we have sparingly seen before. Tom Cruise? Motorcycle riding, jacket toting, and ever the romantic. He’s still the man. Glen Powell has quite the impact as being a villainous go-getter who luckily isn’t made into a caricature. 

    Jennifer Connelly reminding us why and how the world fell in love with her in the first place, too.