Poorly informed opinions.
Similarly aimless rants about music can be found here: www.albumoftheyear.org/user/sbeve/
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
A dark, twisted parallel universe in which Doctor Who never became a Time Lord and instead went into politics shortly after receiving an ASBO and helps start the Iraq War.
Has a similar energy to the Death of Stalin for me where everyone is playing their roles so incredibly seriously whilst also being quite silly (eg, describing how they plan to murder each other in comically graphics ways). A lot of people shouting in rooms and it's a lot of fun!
Get ready for a yapfest.
There are two ways in which one can consider this film. Let's think about it just as a piece of visual media first. The bottom line is that this thing is just incredibly well-made. You feel the weight on the shoulders of ABC as they try to tell the right story to the public about such a tense situation, and everything feels so frighteningly tactile. You can feel the claustrophobia of the news room and…
No other band or album has managed to rub the human face in its own vomit and forced itself to look in the mirror quite like the Manics did with the Holy Bible. This film does a pretty faithful job of translating that same bleakness from the speaker to the screen.
Hats off to JDB especially for taking on the mammoth task of playing both of the guitar parts and doing vocals. Not an easy task, given Richey's lyrics.
Wish the film leaned a bit more into the analogue horror stuff, but it works really well as is.