Eddy Pedreira

Eddy Pedreira

Anytime you read a review I write, please imagine that I'm starting it with "Well, it's no Porco Rosso (1992), but

Favorite films

  • Bacurau
  • Tokyo Godfathers
  • The Green Knight
  • Porco Rosso

Recent activity

  • Look Back


  • I'm Still Here


  • Isle of Dogs


  • Wallace & Gromit: Vengeance Most Fowl


Recent reviews

  • Look Back

    Look Back


    So straight up nobody was gonna tell me that this movie has an axe murderer

  • I'm Still Here

    I'm Still Here


    Esse filme deve ser o melhor retrato de como o fantasma de '64 se manifesta na consciência coletiva da classe média.

    A ditadura empresarial-militar deixa traumas diferentes dependendo do seu CEP. Na classe trabalhadora, a memória que gruda na cabeça é do salário deprimido e do soldado armado te encarando no piquete da greve. Nos povos indigenas, é o genocídio desenvolvimentista. Mas na burguesia, a sequela psicológica é individualizada, e surge como uma quebra da normalidade. Pra classe média, a…

Popular reviews

  • Skinamarink



    Feeling so blessed that I got to watch this at the Rio Theater here in Van, on first showing, in a room full of movie freaks. Everyone just fully on-board and psyched to experience this. When people talk about how some movies need to be experienced in theaters, this is what they're talking about. Love da movies baby.

    If you've ever been four, this one's for you

  • Twilight



    Kristen Stewart should have won an academy award for acting this openly horny about a man