film programmer, industry researcher, and music video lover!
I run the Orcas Microcinema
🎥 Kinuyo Tanaka
This could have easily been a 30 min Vice documentary on YouTube. So many un-needed talking heads were talking.
A cute film to wrap up my wonderful experiences exploring Berliner Kinos this past year. So much gratitude and appreciation for independent theaters all across Berlin. The In The Mood series hosted at Neues Off Kino has been one of my favorite ongoing curated series 🤩
Until next time ✍🏽
35mm Presentation with Ang Lee in person for a special Q&A during IND/EX at the Music Box, Chicago.
Unfortunately, as I was sitting pretty close to the front, the person in front of me blocked the subtitles so I think I missed a lot of the plot… BUT I got the gist 😅