Sean Dolan

Sean Dolan Patron

writer & editor at Reelgood
tik tok: @seanatthecinema
proud AMC A-lister 🍿

Favorite films

  • Children of Men
  • The Truman Show
  • The Shining
  • Midsommar

Recent activity

  • The Assessment


  • Aquamarine


  • Mickey 17


  • Things Will Be Different


Recent reviews

  • The Assessment

    The Assessment


    Like much of the muted sci-fi titles it shares DNA with, this is an aesthetically committed, gorgeously rendered slow burn with an intriguing setup... that just completely collapses in on itself in the final act. There's definitely enough happening to warrant the price of admission, but I'd really like one of these lowkey, vaguely dystopian this is what the future looks like movies to stick the landing. I like them and I will keep coming back in hopes that one…

  • Aquamarine



    the bluest movie I’ve ever seen. I’ll follow Gemma/Ms. Casey anywhere 🫡 Happy birthday, Maddie!

Popular reviews

  • TÁR



    listening to music before seeing TÁR: oh nice, cool song

    listening to music after seeing TÁR: what is music, you ask? pain. pleasure. euphoria. the bombastic beat of the bass drum is chaos, the minor chords are heartbreak, the swift stroke of the cello is love made real. music is the answer to the question you cannot ask yourself. it is the closest we will ever get to God.

  • Mickey 17

    Mickey 17


    what else could you expect for the post-Oscar sweep blank check odyssey delayed by Warner Bros. multiple times for one of global cinema's most dynamic auteurs?

    it's silly, sure, I guess? it's a bit off its hinges. but it's also got tons of heart, and rather than coming off as tonally confused, this everygenre space opera manages to stick the landing. I'd accept the reservation that this is doing too much at once, but the amalgamation of romance, satire, and…
