LOST apologist.
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Bridget Jones's Baby 2016
Far too much of the movie’s runtime is devoted to music, fads, and references that are almost impressively out of date. The first half rarely finds anytime to pull isles away from being anything more than just outright obnoxious. The increasing unlikablity of Bridget as a character continues to grow, with the burden of the watchability left to fall where it always has—on the gentlemen unfortunate enough to cross the titular character’s path. 75% of the reason the movie even…
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Chaos: The Manson Murders 2025
Chaos is chaotic, that much is acknowledged even by the author of the book on which it is based. Anyone who has read that book knows that the research and effort that Tom O’Neill put into his book is exhaustively thorough, even if his findings are ultimately inconclusive. But regardless of what conclusions may be drawn from this documentary what is abundantly evident is that there are numerous loose ends in the traditional narrative of this case, faulty reporting around…
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Rear Window 1954
It’s not the suspense in Alfred Hitchcock’s Rear Window that makes the film so remarkable (though it certainly helps), rather it is the psychological themes at play in what is ultimately, a character driven human drama.
We as an audience, like Jefferies’, are confined to a single room, looking out from our limited sphere. Like Jefferies, we are not quite sure just why one of these couples sleeps outside, or what exactly the younger couples’ fight might be about, or what…
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First Reformed 2017
A spiritual descendant of Taxi Driver and the works of Carl Theodor Dreyer and Ingmar Bergman, First Reformed addresses many themes. It is a story about faith and beliefs in our modern world; it is a lesson in balance, responsibility, and both the virtues and pitfalls of owning the struggles of another. It is a film about spiritual anguish and the reconciliation between our broken world and Holy ideals. It is a film about convictions.
The inspiration from titans of…
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