Shitty remake of Kurosawa classic Rashomon.
Sadly its very racist and extremly sexist.
Shitty remake of Kurosawa classic Rashomon.
Sadly its very racist and extremly sexist.
Sci-Fi Gem from Russia
At the beginning, the story is a bit slow and draws its tension mainly from the gloomy setting of the 80s Soviet era. However, the nuanced portrayal of the characters draws the viewer in while the plot gains intensity. The direction is good overall, though it lacks tonal subtlety here and there.
A scene where a female scientist is brought to the scene by helicopter and jeep looks visually like a copy of the same scene…
I'm not going to lie, we had a blast, but it wasn't because of the movie, but the fact that I saw it with daughter and her best friend. The movie is so bad, and especially plot, characters and dialogue are so bad, that we were constantly talking about what could have been said or what should have happened. And our spontaneous ideas were a lot better than what we got to see on the screen.
The film is a…