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Inhaling moving pictures since the 90s. Horror and Classics.
Team Bette Davis.
Proud member of the Olivia Colman Bitchez Society.
★★★★ Watched 14 Feb 2021
Loads of love for YoYo and Trish
★★½ Watched 18 Sep 2020
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
Not ONE person could save her?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
★★★★ Watched 26 Jan 2020
Naming my child Toototabon
★★★★★ Watched 25 Oct 2019 2
This is my first introduction to Kiyoshi Kurasawa.
Elegant, chilling, and thoughtful. The blocking, cinematography and sound. Possibly the greatest thriller I’ve ever seen.