

Favorite films

  • GoodFellas
  • The Shawshank Redemption
  • The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
  • Good Will Hunting

Recent activity

  • The Crow


  • The Bikeriders


  • Kill Bill: The Whole Bloody Affair


  • Army of the Dead


Recent reviews

  • The Crow

    The Crow


    The villains are weak and so is the love story but skarsgard is solid, the soundtrack is killer and so are the fights. The problem is this didn’t have to be The Crow because if you change the names and take out the actual crows, it isn’t.

  • The Bikeriders

    The Bikeriders


    Goodfellas, lawless, and dazed and confused blended into a smooth nostalgia shake that goes down easy despite the occasional predictability. Tom Hardy does like to hide behind his accents and stoic characters but he’s also become a master of less is more as the great older actors do. He can say two sentences and speak a paragraph just with his face. Michael Shannon nearly steals the show in a hysterical supporting role.

Popular reviews

  • Those Who Wish Me Dead

    Those Who Wish Me Dead

    I’m pretty sure the title refers to Jolie’s agents who don’t care enough to send her better scripts. When I heard the film described as a 90’s action throwback I didn’t realize they meant the bad ones like Hard Rain or Mercury Rising. The plot is too tired and familiar to be fixed by a few modern special effects and Angelina looks equally exhausted. She’s phoning it in for that pandemic paycheck. All those kids gotta eat. Jon Bernthal and…

  • Jason Bourne

    Jason Bourne

    In the ten years between the end of the trilogy and this installment, Paul Greengrass forgot any of the progress he made with Ultimatum and went back to the Supremacy template. Recycle stunts and gimmicks that worked before, kill off beloved characters for no other reason than shock value, and force feed us multiple boring subplots. I will give him credit for adding something to the formula even though it’s the worst possible ingredient- broad silly humor. Slap stick fights,…
