Sean Radcliff

Sean Radcliff Patron

Before 2023, diary only contains films I’ve seen in theaters.

Favorite films

  • Django Unchained
  • Kill Bill: Vol. 2
  • Memento
  • Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Recent activity

  • Skate Kitchen


  • Booksmart


  • In the Heights


  • Lady Bird


Recent reviews

  • Skate Kitchen

    Skate Kitchen


    See this if you’re looking for…

    *a slice-of-life movie about young, female skate boarders in NYC
    *a movie where most of the characters are played by non-professional actors

    Solid. Some cool cinematography with the skate shots. Pretty standard hangout movie.

  • Booksmart



    See this if you’re looking for…

    *the smart female version of Superbad
    *a time capsule of the mid 2010s
    *a raunchy comedy with some incredible subjective cinematography

    It’s so wild (no pun intended) that Olivia Wilde’s directorial debut is so self aware and fantastic at the dance of leaning into & subverting genre tropes. Like this movie has so many tremendous moments of subjective perspective. Her follow-up film was nothing like that. But I digress…

    “I don’t know if she’s even into girls.”
    “She wore a polo shirt to prom”

Popular reviews

  • Sanjay's Super Team

    Sanjay's Super Team


    I show this in class every year. I didn’t even think to review it until I saw one of my students absolutely demolish it in their review. 🤣

    I think the short film does a great job of showing the tension felt by many children of immigrants between their parents’ culture and their peers’ culture. It also shows how art & storytelling can be used to bridge the two cultures, creating a synthesis that hadn’t existed before. And to do that in 7 minutes with the only words coming from an action figure… that’s pretty sweet. 

    Or maybe Kyle is right & the film is trash. 🤣

  • Death by Detention

    Death by Detention


    See this if you’re looking for…

    *a horror parody of the Breakfast Club
    *a short film by two visionaries kickstarting their filmographies with a poignant statement on America’s education system
    *15 minutes to…😈kill🔪

    This was so great! My fiancé & I were howling. Keep an eye out for Finch & LoSasso cause those dudes are going places. If anybody knows where I can find any other films with the janitor in it, send em my way cause that dude stole the show!