

Lately, movies have been getting in the way of my Goodreads' challenges.

Favorite films

  • The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
  • Pulp Fiction
  • King Kong
  • Unforgiven

Recent activity

  • Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates


  • Baby Driver


  • Heli


  • Wild Wild West


Recent reviews

  • Wild Wild West

    Wild Wild West


    While we were mocking the movie (during the more insipid scenes and moments - in other words, quite often throughout the runtime - I was gleefully reminding my roommate that Will Smith turned down The Matrix to star in this), after recounting how I had first seen this in theaters back when I was 7, it suddenly dawned on me that fucking Wild Wild West of all things could have very well been my introduction to the Confederacy and Lost Causers.

    For a moment, I was mortified... before my roommate and I doubled over, cackling madly.

  • The Green Goblin's Last Stand

    The Green Goblin's Last Stand


    A die-hard Spider-Man fan since his youth and a aspiring amateur filmmaker/actor/stuntman (he had already made 2 shorter Spider-Man fan films before embarking on this crazy ambitious endeavor), when Dan Poole caught wind that James Cameron was apparently going to be making a proper Hollywood blockbuster for the masked web crawler, he sought to show off his chops in the hopes of being hired for the production. So with less than $400, a cast consisting almost entirely of friends and…

Popular reviews

  • Bamboozled



    There are few refrains I hate more than "You couldn't make Blazing Saddles today."

    Never mind that It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia is the longest running live-action sitcom in television history, that South Park is one of the longest running animated shows in the world, or that Dave Chappelle is by far the most popular comedian working despite his recent material being as lazy as it is transphobic. For some reason, this misconception over political correctness (despite conservatives doing their…

  • El Infierno

    El Infierno


    There was no better way to "celebrate" Mexico's bicentennial than the last 6 minutes of this film.
