dom thurlow

dom thurlow

Teacher of film
Teacher of television
Teacher of new media
Bringer of change needed by world

Favorite films

  • Once Upon a Time in the West
  • No Country for Old Men
  • Jaws
  • Fargo

Recent activity

  • Grizzly Man

  • Air

  • The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent

  • The Menu


Recent reviews

  • The Menu

    The Menu


    This was awful. Trying to be too clever, too hip, too reflexive. Not a single likeable character in this plated mess. Dark for dark's sake... Check please but I ain't paying!

  • The Square

    The Square


    This is a criminally under-rated Aussie noir thriller. Can't believe this film doesn't get more love. Tense, taut. Edgy and uncompromising. Underworld characters drag you down into their sad desperate lives but you want them to find a way through.

Popular reviews

  • Jojo Rabbit

    Jojo Rabbit


    I get why people like Taika Waititi - he's an unabashed innovator, risk-taker and all that - but this was slow-going. I wanted to like it but this film got itself all caught up with lots of intellectual postulating and went down paths where I found myself not caring about where it was going. I think I even turned it off before the end.

  • The Disaster Artist

    The Disaster Artist

    Thought this would've been better. I kept waiting for it to "be" something and I'm not sure I know what I thought it was meant to be. Did this film need to be made when the original piece is everything it was and more... in terms of awfulness? Reminds me of Gus Van Sant remaking Alfred Hitchcock's 'Psycho'.... it seemed pointless.
