

i got letterboxd to change the banner image for Eyes Wide Shut

Favorite films

  • WALL·E
  • Perfect Days
  • The Shining
  • Paper Moon

Recent activity

  • High and Low


  • Thelma & Louise


  • Who Framed Roger Rabbit


  • Grand Theft Hamlet

Recent reviews

  • High and Low

    High and Low


    the criminal must be in these details”

  • Thelma & Louise

    Thelma & Louise


    as a man i should be listening, not reviewing. please refer to my gf’s review below ⬇️

Popular reviews

  • Shoah



    some powerful moments but overall not worth your time. this guy is a terrible interviewer. imagine taking the time to set up a whole ass surveillance truck to secretly interview ex-nazis and then ask questions like “were the vans loud?” 

    and why is just about every interview done through a translator? if you’re gonna make an 9+ hour documentary of you talking to germans shouldn’t you like, learn german?

  • Schindler's List

    Schindler's List

    hey i’ve got an idea. let’s get the guy who makes summer blockbusters about dinosaur theme parks and man eating sharks to make a movie about the worst event in human history
