Great documentary about one of the greatest bands. Very insightful and does a great job of showing the truth behind the music. Tragic and meaningful.
Great documentary about one of the greatest bands. Very insightful and does a great job of showing the truth behind the music. Tragic and meaningful.
Started this one or two times over the years but never finished it 'til now. I thought Tom Cruise did a fine job with his performance. I never had a problem with the guy and always enjoyed his acting more then a lot of other actor who people think are better but I know a lot of people don't like him because they think he is weird. Decent effort, all things considered.
Just found out that some of the scenes were filmed like a real documentary. Makes sense because the acting seemed very good and now we know they weren't acting, it was real. Obviously its not all real though but still pretty cool.
Finally watched this after years of hearing that it was the basis for Run Lola Run. Great concept, decent film.