Suzette Forston

Suzette Forston

5 stars if I loved it, 1 star if I hated it, anything in between just won’t get rated because consistency is too difficult.

Favorite films

  • Megamind
  • Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl
  • Titanic
  • Clueless

Recent activity

  • Mickey 17

  • The Babysitter: Killer Queen

  • There's Someone Inside Your House

  • The Babysitter

Recent reviews

  • Mickey 17

    Mickey 17

    Robert Pattinson is awesome and SO fun in this role, but I felt like the narrative was trying to go too many directions and got distracted from really focusing on and maximizing the expendable premise. Still a fun time :)

  • Challengers


    Very cool editing and that last scene rocked, but I find it hard to enjoy a movie where I just detest all the characters so much. It’s well put together, but it’s not for me.

Popular reviews

  • A Timeless Christmas

    A Timeless Christmas

    This ticked me off. There are a few scenes that take place in 1903 and it seems that none of the costume designers, hairstylists, or makeup artists did not so much as Google an image of 1903 style. Second, the ending is so rushed even worse than the usual for Hallmark movies! Ryan Paevey’s character totally could have gone back to 1903, scribbled down a will, and then come back with all his affairs in order for a much better ending.

  • The Batman

    The Batman

    A little longer than it needed to be, but very good! Loved the very neo-noir interpretation—particular in the first two acts (the third act didn’t quite do it for me). Here’s some other random assorted thoughts:

    -Robert Pattinson’s practically silent Batman really worked
    -more Alfred pls
    -Zoe Kravitz was a solid catwoman, but Michelle Pfieffer is still the best
    -loved the score (what frequent use of Ave Maria?)
    -loved the new Batman costume—best yet (Jacqueline Durran is so insanely good) …