Rob Feulner

Rob Feulner Pro

Video art portfolio:
DIY VHS label:

Favorite films

  • Manhunter
  • Broadcast News
  • Video 50
  • The Brady Bunch Movie

Recent activity

  • Get Carter


  • Wild at Heart


  • The Tenant


  • Living in Oblivion


Recent reviews

  • Wild at Heart

    Wild at Heart


    I really do love the blaring horns that are +12db over anything else in the soundtrack.

  • Prescription: Murder

    Prescription: Murder

    First of all, I should be able to log all Columbo episodes since they're each like 70 to 95 minutes long, but society won't allow it.

    The made-for-TV movie/pilot is definitely a B-tier outing, but it's interesting that the psychologist-murderer basically lays out Columbo's unassuming schtick in a way they never do again in the series.

    Columbia's hair is alarmingly square only in this pilot. I'm not sure if that's because once the series started they wanted to make him appear even more disheleved and disorganized, or because in the 70s it was a felony to have short hair while under retirement age.

Popular reviews

  • 1991: The Year Punk Broke

    1991: The Year Punk Broke


    No way there wasn't some code word the rest of Sonic Youth had for having to take a break from Thurston.

  • Red Rooms

    Red Rooms


    A very compelling look at human vulnerability in the age of the dark web and unsecured networks! There's this fantastic scene that plays out like a contemporary and minimalist Minority Report-- dual monitor setup using Duck Duck Go, a compromised email listing, and a little bit of Tor. It was scary to know how easily I could obtain a router login, and even scarier to know how easy it would be for someone with a grudge and maliciousness could obtain my router login. Creepy and unnerving!