

my taste is unparalleled

Favorite films

  • About Time
  • The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King

Recent activity

  • Better Man

  • It's What's Inside

  • Missing

  • A Thousand Words

Recent reviews

  • Better Man

    Better Man

    Liam Gallagher was in more of this than I expected. I took it in stride. I loved this movie. It was clear-eyed about the inherent unreliability of its storytelling. It had a great ballroom dancing scene reminiscent of the banging one in The Greatest Showman (but even better because the montage was concurrent with the theme of How Much Is Fame Worth To You?) I even liked how the cohesion and storytelling of certain narrative threads were compromised because Robbie…

  • Missing


    How much was she paying Javi… he should have tripled his rate! God the movies with these conceit always have me hooked idk what it is about them

Popular reviews

  • The Death of Stalin

    The Death of Stalin


    Genuinely could not get past the nerve of British people making this film before they say anything about idk fucking Churchill or any number of evil leaders they have had in their own country

  • The Phantom of the Opera

    The Phantom of the Opera

    She thought he was her DAD? Like... she thought her dad died and got an emo makeover and started living in the wet basement ???
