

my immediate thoughts after every film

Favorite films

  • Fantastic Mr. Fox
  • The Gentlemen
  • Porco Rosso
  • The Menu

Recent activity

  • Win or Lose


  • 12 Angry Men


  • Burning


  • When Harry Met Sally...


Recent reviews

  • Win or Lose

    Win or Lose


    didn’t think i would like this, but this was a genuine masterpiece. really hurt my heart. if you give it a try, watch the first three episodes before you make a judgement call.

  • 12 Angry Men

    12 Angry Men


    i kNEW it was piglet!!!!!!!!

    also i have never seen someone who so badly needed a therapist

Popular reviews

  • Indecent



    i just finished watching this for a theatre course. i am truly moved by this play; its messages, its execution, everything. it moved me to tears with the final rain scene.

    this is the least surface level, most substantive, incredibly genuine and heavy story i’ve seen. i want to see this play in person, as well as god of vengeance. this play moved me the way god of vengeance moved lemml.

  • Sometimes a Great Notion

    Sometimes a Great Notion


    i do like paul newman but i don’t like 70s style scripts. impossible to watch without subtitles (i looked up the script and read along). story is great but i’m not sure there’s anything here that i wouldn’t have enjoyed the same or more from the book

    much love for joe b
