

en un cuarto oscuro un piano forte —

Favorite films

  • Trypps #7 (Badlands)
  • Twenty Cigarettes
  • Berlin Horse
  • Moon Cycle (I: bran stakhage’s moonlight; II: mercury retrograde)

Recent activity

  • Brokeback Mountain


  • Final Destination 5


  • Bottoms


  • Metropolitan


Recent reviews

  • Civil War

    Civil War


    "All those young photographers who are at work in the world, determined upon the capture of actuality, do not know that they are agents of Death." Roland Barthes, Camera Lucida.

    Impossible not to immediately think of Susan Sontag's On Photography (as Josiah has keenly pointed out in his review) as well as her later essay Looking At War, where she begins by discussing Virginia Woolf's Three Guineas:

    “Here then on the table before us are photographs,” she writes of the…

  • White Noise

    White Noise


    war of the worlds for the microplastics era

Popular reviews

  • Spencer



    Jacques Derrida put it best; "cinema, when it is not boring, is the art of letting ghosts come back."

  • Inland Empire

    Inland Empire


    maybe the only film to capture the feeling that inevitably creeps in when you walk through los angeles – that among the grime-caked streets of the city there lies an even more rotten core; within it, all around you there are hollow concrete blocks wherein a thick black sludge is being siphoned from the ground, and beneath the piss-stained stars of hollywood blvd the subway cars silently carry the rotting corpses of the valley's movie stars.

    flickering streetlights and dark empty theaters and a nightmare that's constantly falling apart.