Solly F

Solly F Pro

high value man looking for great time ;)
7'2 cause apparently that matters
make $500 off bitcoin
I love dogs

Favorite films

  • No Country for Old Men
  • Naked
  • The Departed
  • The Mother and the Whore

Recent activity

  • A Real Pain

  • Love in the Afternoon

  • This Is the End

  • 22 Jump Street

Recent reviews

  • 22 Jump Street

    22 Jump Street

    kinda perfect at doing what it's doing - similar in a sense to magic mike xxl. completely aware of its own artificiality/commercial pandering and so gets to have a fun time within those parameters. i #fuck with #unselfconscious filmmaking.

  • Presence


    comically bad. me chris and rock were the only ones laughing in the cinema tho so maybe we're in the wrong. some of the clunkiest dialogue i've ever heard. boring. big thumbs DOWN from me 👎

Popular reviews

  • Don't Look Up

    Don't Look Up

    You can say what you want about Don't Look Up. You can that there's a base contradiction in targeting celebrities for being stupid, narcissistic and solely interested in fame and money while utilizing an excessive amount of celebrities purely to market the film.
    You could say that by this logic it also defeats the very notion of that idea itself. For if these celebrities were what the film makes them out to be then surely they wouldn’t participate in a…

  • Bo Burnham: Inside

    Bo Burnham: Inside

    Bo Burnham shows you the world of Bo Burnham. The mind of Bo Burnham. The core of Bo Bunrham. The genius of Bo Burnham. The suffering artist that Bo Burnham is. Because of course, how could constantly referring to yourself in increasingly meta and 'self-aware' way not qualify you as genius? Why did Bo Burnham makes this? He asks himself this in the film but instead of answering it throws at you some more millennial ironic self-awareness (ironic in this…