

Favorite films

  • Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl

Recent activity

  • Nancy Drew… Detective


  • A Streetcar Named Desire


  • On the Town


  • 12 Angry Men


Recent reviews

  • Nancy Drew… Detective

    Nancy Drew… Detective


    TED is the best Ned and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise

  • A Streetcar Named Desire

    A Streetcar Named Desire


    I hate how hot Marlon Brando is in this because his character absolutely sucks. And I also hate how brilliant his performance was in portraying that character who sucks.

    I’ve heard about this play my entire life and was always an ashamed little theatre nerd because I had never actually seen or read it and felt like a fake thespian. Finally watched this movie and feel like I can breathe easy again. I expected it to be complicated and not…

Popular reviews

  • The Luck of the Irish

    The Luck of the Irish

    Did I watch this for Timothy Omundson, and Timothy Omundson alone? Yes.

    But is this 1 star for Timothy Omundson, and Timothy Omundson alone?

    …also yes.

  • The Mummy Returns

    The Mummy Returns


    Feels like really really bad fan fiction. A disappointment after the first one for sure. Nothing felt like the time period it was supposed to be and the effects really are horrendous. The plot was…practically non-existent. Missing all of the fun dialogue that made the first movie such a charming delight. The only good thing I have to say about it is that it was beautiful to see Rick and Evy still together as a happily married couple who truly love each other and have no drama. So rare for sequels, and really should not be. Unfortunately, everything else was pretty awful.
