

vamos al cine

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  • Pan's Labyrinth
  • Ikiru
  • Alien
  • Fallen Angels

Recent activity

  • Groundhog Day


  • Gladiator


  • Dune


  • Das Boot

Recent reviews

  • Groundhog Day

    Groundhog Day


    If I was him I would've became a god at Fortnite

  • Gladiator



    MAXIMUS just remember all caps when you spell the mans name

Popular reviews

  • Tendaberry



    Sort of too YouTube romance compilation for my taste. 2nd half was a little better but the lack of plot and sustenance really just did not catch my attention at all.

  • Evil Dead

    Evil Dead


    I don’t think I have ever cared less about a group of characters in a movie. Everyone fucking sucked. They were all boring as hell and this movie just didn’t have any of the charm the original trilogy had. The movie was just boring but the worst thing was how they characterized Mia as this crazy drug addict that they were trying to save by keeping her at the cabin??? It’s just such an annoying and unoriginal trope. The group…