Thinks and cries at stuff.
5 stars - I cried so bad.
½ star - How have I not turned this off yet?
So much was going on but my boy Wolverine still found seconds in the short run time to be funny. Everything else was a bit boring though ngl. Fell a bit flat.
17/03/25 - Fuckin incredible will review later because holy shit
23/03/25 - Okay here it goes. I saw a review online of this TV Show saying "Of course, he did it he's a man." And I've got to say, it got me thinking. Young women and girls hear this online often and tend to repeat it aloud with other women and girls. And you know, I've actually done it myself. It's sad and funny and fair and mean. And although…
Guess who just watched it all again. Go on. Yeah exactly.