

I like French movies.

Favorite films

  • The Long Gray Line
  • 7 Women
  • The Horse Soldiers
  • The Wings of Eagles

Recent activity

  • Richard Jewell

  • Juror #2

  • Hand

  • Klute

Recent reviews

  • Retrograde


    At least one person died as a result of the complete disregard for safety that the director and producer of this movie exhibited.

    "An Afghan contractor who worked for the US military was killed by the Taliban after appearing in an Emmy-winning documentary despite warnings it would endanger him, according to a report. [...]

    Heineman and the documentary’s producer Caitlin McNally decided to show close-ups of mine-clearers despite warnings from at least five people prior to Retrograde’s December 2022 release,…

  • The Rules of the Game

    The Rules of the Game

    I don't like cinema. When did that change took place already? Ten, twenty years ago, I don't remember. I know how it happened but I don't remember when. It was not so much that films were becoming worse (they were), it was that film viewers, happy festival-goers and full-time idiots, were themselves also becoming worse and worse. If there’s once thing I’m sure of, it is that I didn’t belong to in world, and that it even less belonged in…

Popular reviews

  • Chronicle of a Summer

    Chronicle of a Summer


    One very common mistake people make when faced with the term cinéma vérité (coined by this very movie) is to focus on "vérité" (= truth) and completely forget about "cinéma". Thus leading to the false idea that this film (and the others belonging to the movement) are meant to be truthful representation of Reality.
    Morin rules out this idea completely when he defines the term: "There are two ways to conceive of the cinema of the Real: the first is…

  • Verse Texture

    Verse Texture

    Érotisme de l'espace et de la lumière. Économie des moyens : une pièce, deux acteurs, un poème.

    Pendant les premières minutes du film, on est face à un mystère : celui d'éclaircir ce que sont les "third Chinese", "second traveller", "Anna" etc. qui sont nommés. Et puis, aussi, il y a le texte récité par l'actrice, difficile à suivre. C'est qu'enfin il s'agit d'autre chose que de "suivre" ce qui se dit.

    Contrairement à Straub, pour qui le texte est…
