

hard to overstate how great it is to go to the movies
vaya con dios

Favorite films

  • The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
  • The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
  • Predator
  • Hot Rod

Recent activity

  • The Grand Budapest Hotel


  • Renfield


  • Moneyball


  • The Secret Life of Walter Mitty


Recent reviews

  • The Grand Budapest Hotel

    The Grand Budapest Hotel


    still good even on an airplane with a nice glass of port

  • Renfield



    the bit about ska music at the beginning of the movie and how just calling it 90% horns is reductive, "ska's not dead", and the lyrics to a message to you rudy were fully worth a full star;

    tries to be "the boys" level of gross-out but but a little more gory than i would have liked on a plane ride sitting next to a very senior coworker i don't know well; some very bad and unconvincing acting and script…

Popular reviews

  • True Lies

    True Lies


    This movie was better than Avatar

    "You're fired" at the end was worth an extra half star

  • Mad Max: Fury Road

    Mad Max: Fury Road


    starts at 100 and does not stop until it's over; one of the best action movies of all time, i feel pretty confident about saying? an absolute treat to see it on the big screen