

Big fan of musical scenes in non-musical movies, low budget horror, and B-List actors.

Favorite films

  • T2 Trainspotting
  • Rudderless
  • Saw
  • Challengers

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  • Sweet Virginia


  • Flags of Our Fathers


  • Brawl in Cell Block 99


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Recent reviews

  • Sweet Virginia

    Sweet Virginia


    How do you become the guy they call when they need someone to play a slightly mentally slow, socially awkward, and yet skilled killer? Like how did Chris Abbott corner that specific market?

  • Flags of Our Fathers

    Flags of Our Fathers


    I have now seen everything Jamie Bell has been in. Just have to preface this review with that. Obviously that’s why I watched this movie, seeing as this was the last one. 

    The story here is great. At its core, it’s about how a single picture can inspire such hope. But it’s so much more than that. At what point does that hope become false? If something you know for a fact is incorrect, brings someone else peace, is…

Popular reviews

  • Back Fork

    Back Fork


    Josh Stewart and AJ Cook reminding us, that though they seem to appear exclusively in horror movies when they’re not in the TV world, the real horrors are drugs and sex.
    I hate to be serious in reviews, but I don’t think the other comments are giving Josh Stewart enough credit for how he writes women. Women being full characters as much as the men, a SA happening completely offscreen, a lesbian couple who isn’t sexualized in any way…it’s…

  • Companion



    The first time I saw this movie, I wrote a review about how, while this movie is obviously a metaphor for abusive relationships, I believe it’s more to do with age/power-based manipulation. Which is a more specific, often murky point that doesn’t get talked about as often because it can be a bit dicey.

    While that’s my primary takeaway, still, and something this movie nails, this time around it also got me thinking about dating apps. At one point, Josh…