Screwball comedy = Best film genre?
Young Henry Fonda was a cutie
I was only 12 when this came out but I still remember the cultural stir it created at the time and in the years that followed. It's immensely watchable and utilizes many of Lee's best go-to's: inventive camera placement and movement, disparate stories of different people in a community that weave in and out of each other, literal conversations about heady topics that feel like natural chats between characters, Ruth Carter yet again owning with the costumes, and a deep love of New York City that isn't afraid to criticize its flaws. Definitely one of my favorite Spike Lee joints so far.
Look, I'll sit for any Statham flick where he kicks a bunch of ass. This is a rough one, though. Please do not engage in a drinking game where you sip anytime a bee reference is made, as your liver will force itself out of your body and run for safety.
My favorite random genre of stories is "lonely people finding each other", and this movie delivers in spades. What a lovely little story of people in need of human contact who are almost too bruised to offer or accept it when it comes along. It's the right balance of heartfelt, hilarious, and abrasive so that things are never cloying. Many acting nominations are deserved, and the full 70's-ification of the movie should not go unnoticed or uncelebrated. Instantly one of my favorites of the year.