
Steven Patron

“In the kitchen making soup for the advocate.”

I’ll watch almost anything which is less of an attribute and more like a curse.

Favorite films

  • Punch-Drunk Love
  • In the Mood for Love
  • Persona
  • Our Little Sister

Recent activity

  • Anselm


  • Zeffirelli's Inferno


  • Presence


  • My Neighbor Totoro


Recent reviews

  • Zeffirelli's Inferno

    Zeffirelli's Inferno


    Saw this at the Zeffirelli Museum in Florence, Italy. Calling it a film is very generous as it's more of a motion comic comprised of 50 or so sketches/concept art that Zeffirelli drew. It's a shame the actual film was unrealized as the concept art looked amazing and I would have loved to see what it looked like on screen. The room the "film" plays in was quite striking as well, with projectors casting constantly swirling flames onto the ceiling as the sounds of hell echoed throughout. Pretty cool experience.

  • The Jerk

    The Jerk


    "Father, could there be a god that would let this happen?"

    There are plenty of reasons why the world sucks right now and the fact that comedians like Steve Martin just don't get a chance in today's entertainment landscape is one of them. Maybe not the top reason but it's on the list.

Popular reviews

  • Scream VI

    Scream VI


    “What’s your favorite scary movie?”

    “Um…not that one hahaha.”

    I’ve seen a lot of movies. Too many movies. At this point in time, just over 5.1k movies. By and large, most movies are good or at least have one interesting/redeeming element to them. I want to like the movies I watch.

    Out of those 5.1k movies I’ve seen, I’ve only rated 22 as 1/2 star. This is number 23. There is literally nothing here that I enjoyed. There was not…

  • Blow Job

    Blow Job


    Eliminate your brain. It’s preventing you from seeing the cosmic dance we are dancing.”

    The majority of this was pretty dull and I have no idea why anyone at any point would title this Blow Job but things picked up once the surreality got stronger. The scene where a witch with an eyepatch wildly swings a torch at a naked man only to multiply into two witches wildly swinging torches at a naked man was a highlight.

    However, nothing was more…