thought she was james dean for a day. ♪
“you don’t think i’m a bad person?”
just know i’d be PISSED if i had just married who i thought was the hottest man in Texas, just to show up and see James Dean, leaning against the back of his car with the perfect fitting pair of Levi’s, a beat cowboy hat obscuring half of his face and a cigarette hanging from his lips.
sorry Rock Hudson, you can’t beat that.
finally watched this after having it on my netflix watchlist for 6 years, feeling accomplished.
he’s a pretentious manipulative asshole, God he’s so me. i would say that we’ve unlocked a new “literally me” character but i’ve been a Bob Dylan fan for a while now so this is nothing new.
alright so i actually missed the first part of the movie (maybe like 20-30 minutes idk), my bad. so we’re gonna have to rewatch sometime soon but the important thing is that i finally saw this in theaters (in dublin which makes it way…