Fucketh Me - This is better than what I had remembered as a kid…
A funny yet scary fairytale!
Fucketh Me - This is better than what I had remembered as a kid…
A funny yet scary fairytale!
Certified Hood Fresh 🌿 More quotables than the Source Magazine 🎤
Very nostalgic watch as I remember renting this on DVD back in the day…
🍀 Happy Saint Patrick’s Day 🍀
Jump Scares were fun for the kids, they enjoyed it. 🍀🍀
Ozzie: Do you think you could kill a Leprechaun?
Alex: Ozzie, you can kill anything. You just got to know how to do it. Now, me, give me a .357 magnum, press it to the little green critter's temple, and blam! Brains and guts and oozing cruddy stuff dripping all down its head. The guy is gone with a capital dead.