King of the Impossible. Music by Queen.
Formerly known as the guy from Nerd Lunch. Well, "known" might be pushing it...
Decades ago, I loved this movie but between the shenanigans of its star/director and Kristin Kobez du Mez citing it as a symbol for the staunch religious right, I wondered if I could watch it again and it not have a cloud of ick hovering over it.
The cloud was there, but the technical achievements of the film, the character actors and the Horner music still appeared clearly in the dense fog. Despite my misgivings about the film now, I…
At some point while watching this movie, I realized the reason so much of it doesn’t make sense is because it’s a musical without the main cast being the ones doing much of the singing. (And yes, I know they just recently released an actual musical version of this.)
A lovely slice of life that’s rich in its characters and dialogue. The world is slightly surreal in a Gen X 90s way. It’s like capturing one day from a particular time you wish you could relive over and over.
Honestly, I’m not sure I have more words for this film even if more should be said.
That was pretty spectacular. Definitely subverted my expectations in lots of ways. Even though I pieced together some of the mysteries early on, I enjoyed the spectacle of the film and just went along for the ride.