Tia Ayu Sulistyana

Tia Ayu Sulistyana

An ordinary woman who like to read novels and watch movies and dramas.

Favorite films

  • About Time
  • The Longest Ride
  • The Choice
  • Inception

Recent activity

  • Squid Game: Fireplace


  • Nothing Serious


  • Previously Saved Version


  • No Gain No Love


Recent reviews

  • Home Sweet Loan

    Home Sweet Loan


    Kemarin sore aku nonton Home Sweet Loan dan suka banget!🥰 Asli ya, saking relatable-nya kisah Kaluna, pas kemarin nonton, banyak mbak-mbak pada nangis sesenggukan.😭 Klo kalian ada mau nonton, please jangan lupa bawa tissue ya!🤧

    Yang aku suka dari film ini tuh ceritanya sesuai banget sama versi novelnya!🔥 Meski yang lebih dihighlight ya tentang konflik keluarga Kaluna yang sandwich generation itu. Asli, klo orang-orang pada ngumpat ke Kalendra, aku tetep gak habis pikir sama ibunya! Gak di novel gak di film, ibunya Kaluna tuh bikin aku gregetan!😤 Tapi ya emang keluarga Kaluna ignorant semua sih. Padahal Kaluna udah sabar dan berkorban banyak loh.🥹😭🤧

  • First Love

    First Love


    By far, First Love 初恋 is the best Japanese drama I've ever seen! The acting, characters, storyline, color grading, cinematography, and even the soundtrack are flawless! It's such a beautiful and heartfelt story. I genuinely love it.❤️

Popular reviews

  • Sisyphus



    Sisyphus: The Myth is inspired by a Greek myth about a man who was cursed to repeat the same misery for eternity after cheating death twice. It tells the story of Han Tae-Sul, a brilliant engineer, and Kang Seo-Hae, his savior who travels back in time to warn him that his invention will lead to a global nuclear war.

    It's an enthralling drama since it combines science fiction, action, thriller, and romance into one package! This drama will blow your…

  • Midnight Sun

    Midnight Sun


    Midnight Sun or Taiyou no Uta (2006) is a movie about a girl named Kaoru that had XP illness. She can’t exposed by sunlight, so she can’t go outside during the day. She loves to play guitar and make songs. She used to go out at night and go to near station to play her songs. She falls in love with a boy named Koji that she keeped her eyes on for so long. She just can see him when…