

Favorite films

  • The Color of Pomegranates
  • In Vanda's Room
  • Jeanne Dielman, 23, quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles
  • Scenes from a Marriage

Recent activity

  • The Zookeeper's Wife


  • The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds & Snakes


  • The Constant Gardener


  • Maid in Manhattan


Recent reviews

  • Wild Strawberries

    Wild Strawberries


    “Isak Borg equals me. Simple and facile. I had created a figure who, on the outside, looked like my father but was me, through and through. I was then thirty-seven, cut off from all human relations. It was I who had done the cutting off, presumably as an act of self-affirmation. I was a loner, a failure, I mean a complete failure. Though successful. And clever. And orderly. And disciplined.
    I was looking for my father and my mother, but…

  • German Concentration Camps Factual Survey

    German Concentration Camps Factual Survey


    “Dawn came on us like a betrayer; it seemed as though the new sun rose as an ally of our enemies to assist in our destruction. The different emotions that overcame us, of resignation, of futile rebellion, of religious abandon, of fear, of despair, now joined together after a sleepless night in a collective, uncontrolled panic. The time for meditation, the time for decision was over, and all reason dissolved into a tumult, across which flashed the happy memories of our homes, still so near in time and space, as painful as the thrusts of a sword.”
    If this is a man
    Primo Levi

Popular reviews

  • Edvard Munch

    Edvard Munch

    “The priest says over the radio that Christ said, “God is in me. I am in God. The Father is in me. I am in the Father.”
    Isn’t that the same thing anybody can say? “I am in God. God is in everything. I am in the world. The world is in me.”
    The Private Journals of Edvard Munch: We Are Flames Which Pour Out of the Earth

  • The Decameron

    The Decameron


    Pasolininin Dekameronu Boccaccio tərəfindən yazılmış ən erotik və canlı nağıllardan ilhamlanmışdı. Film orijinal mətnlərin ideyasına sadiqdir, lakin Boccaccionun əsərindən fərqlənir . Mənim fikrimcə bu film ilə Pasolini intibah həyatın indiyə qədər lentə alınmış ən gözəl şəkildə göstərmişdir.
     Belə ki, onun əsas məqsədi insan həyatının xaotik təbiətini, kasıb (marginal) insanların dünyasını, hökumət və kilsə institutlarının nəzarətsizliyini izləyicinin üzünə vurmaqdır. İnsan instinktlərini və ehtiraslarını idarə edə bilməyən, həyatını düşüncəsiz və xaotik hərəkətlərlə dolduran bir varlıq kimi göstərilir. Din isə heç kimin inanmadığı…
